Sankt Interface 2021
Virtual Space
17th December 2021, 17:00 – open end
Streaming on
This year’s event includes two keynotes:
“Eco-Visionaries” by Karin Ohlenschläger, who is curator, art critic and previous artistic director at LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial in Gijón and Media Lab Prado;
followed by “A Pandemic Crisis Seen from the Screen: Digital art and electronic literature as reflection on pandemic platform culture” by Søren Pold, PhD and Associate Professor of digital aesthetics at Aarhus university.
17:00-17:10h. Welcome address by Prof. Dr. Christa Sommerer (Virtual_Audimax).
17:10-17:20h. Introduction to Sankt Interface 2021! by Ph.D. Candidate César Escudero Andaluz.
17:20-18:05h. Keynote by Karin Ohlenschläger. (Virtual_Audimax).
18:05- 18:50h. Keynote by Søren Pold. (Virtual_Audimax).
18:50- 19:20h. Q&A session.
19:20- 20:50h. Computer Mouse Contest Award presented by Enrique Tomás (Virtual_Audimax)
20:50- 21:00h. Jury decision break. (Virtual toilet)
21:00- 21:30h. Awards ceremony, (Virtual_Audimax).
21:30 – Open end. Concerts from Interface Cultures Students, Teachers & Friends
21:30- 22:15h. Performance, by Jens Vetter, (ICs Virtual Elevator).
22:00- 24:00h. Performance, Abstract club by Cachichi, (Virtual Dokapi).
23:45- 01:45h. Audio Visual Performance, Vahid Qaderi & Razieh Kooshki, (Virtual Dokapi Terrace).
01:30- 02:30h. Audio performance by Kristina Tica & Sara Koniarek, Kevin Blackistone and more. (Virtual Dokapi).
21:30- end. Open Karaoke (Virtual Toilet).
21:30- end. Open DJ (Virtual IC Lecture).