We’re happy to announce the Selfie Culture Sympoium
Selfies are ubiquitous, in daily life and in art. Artistic forms of self-representation exist throughout history. They changed in the digital age with its online distribution forms. How did artistic-self representation develop in art history? How do traditional forms evolve in the digital age? The symposium SELFIE CULTURE examines the history of artistic self-representation as well as contemporary artistic practice. It gathers art historians and artists as speakers and invites curators, artists and scholars to participate.
Friday, November 23, 2018, 9:30 am – 17:30 pm
Kunstuni Linz, Austria, AudiMax in 1. floor Domgasse
- Jonas Blume, visual artist, Berlin
- Anna Th. Gehlen, art historian and lecturer, University of Cologne, Cologne
- Carla Gannis, artist and Adjunct Assistant Professor Digital Arts, Pratt Institute, Brooklyn (via Skype)
- Martina Menegon, artist and lecturer, Vienna
- Tina Sauerländer, curator and PhD candidate at Kunstuni Linz, Berlin
The symposium will be held in English.
Free of charge, no registration needed.
more info here: http://interface.ufg.ac.at/blog/selfie/
fb event here: https://www.facebook.com/events/701200916922561/