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4th Computer Mouse/keyboard Contest!


Sankt Interface (Culture) 14/12/2018 proudly presents the fourth Computer Mouse/keyboard Contest!

We all have them, we all use them… hack your computer
mouse and win a prize! The catch is… weird ideas… crazy
metaphors… strange hybrids!

Categories & Awards

1.Award for weirdest and most engaging computer mouse/keyboard.
Show us the computer mouse artist inside you. Any format, material, scale, shape… anything. We want to see how far you can go!
≈ ≈ Prize: A Sankt Trophy!

2. Award for fastest clicking computer mouse/keyboard.
How fast can you (or your mouse) click? Train yourself using this open source counter application. Bring your computer to the contest and participate in the infamous 15 seconds clicking race!
≈ ≈ Prize: A Sankt Trophy!

3. Award for best flying mouse/keyboard.
Of course our inspiration was the quadcopter cat! We want to see your computer mouse flying. The award goes to the coolest and full functional flying interface.
≈ ≈ Prize: A Sankt Trophy!

Requirements & Conditions

  1. Your computer mouse must be fully functional, it must be able to click and navigate like any other normal mouse. We will check it during the contest and presentation. Only fully functional designs can be awarded.
  2. Only affiliates to the Kunstuniversität Linz can participate: students, teachers, assistants, etc.


To be announced

How to participate

  1. Build your favourite computer mouse/keyboard monster
  2. Bring your computer mouse to the contest venue:
    ≈ ≈ Audimax, 14th December, 18:00h
  3. Your project will be presented and tested in Audimax from 20:30h. Our jury will deliberate and say… the winner is….


Send an email to cesarescuderoandaluz@hotmail.com

Sankt Interface

This award is part of our Sankt Interface Day 2015
Sankt Interface 2018 program will be announced soon.

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